The influence of time and storage temperature on resistant starch formation from autoclaved debranched banana starch

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90 Scopus citations


Debranching and autoclaving processes of banana starch were carried out for obtaining a resistant starch-rich powder with functional characteristics. Debranching was carried out using pullulanase for 24 h and the autoclaving was done at 121 °C for 30 min, the samples were then cooled down and stored between 24 and 48 h, and temperatures between 4 and 60 °C. The resistant starch level increased due to the debranching and autoclaving processes. The water absorption index values decreased when the storage time increased, pattern that agrees with the higher RS content. The water solubility index (WSI) was affected by the storage temperature but not by the storage time. The autoclaved sample was hydrolyzed to a lesser extent than native starch. The RS-rich powder presented also crystallinity because the process of autoclaving and storage induced starch retrogradation. The procedure proposed might be used for production of a RS-rich powder from banana starch with high RS level and functional properties.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)304-310
Number of pages7
JournalFood Research International
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2007


  • Autoclaving
  • Banana starch
  • Functional properties
  • Resistant starch
  • X-ray diffraction


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