The Knowledge Society and Entrepreneurship Within the Higher Education Institutions in Mexico

Miguel Mendoza Perez, Ingrid Y. Zu?iga, María Rocío Soto-Flores, Susana A. Rom?n

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoCapítulo


Knowledge has been an implied part of all social organizations, since it allows the progress and the discovery of new techniques and technologies to put up new activities that are not easily replicated by rivals. The chapter aims to show that institutions of higher education support the society of knowledge in Mexico for entrepreneurship through an analysis of the programs that are taught in the two public universities in the country. The structure of the chapter will be organized into three sections: 1) the knowledge of society and its relation with institutions of higher education, 2) the generation of entrepreneurship in higher education institutions, and 3) the society of knowledge and entrepreneurship in institutions of higher education in Mexico.
Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
Título de la publicación alojadaThe Formation of Intellectual Capital and Its Ability to Transform Higher Education Institutions and the Knowledge Society
EstadoPublicada - 28 jun. 2019


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