Some cardiovascular effects of inorganic arsenic exposure in children exposed to drinking water

C. Osorio-Yáñez, A. Barrera-Hernández, E. Hernández-Castellanos, L. C. Sánchez-Peña, A. De Vizcaya-Ruiz, L. M. Del Razo, J. C. Ayllon-Vergara, G. Aguilar-Madrid, L. Arreola-Mendoza

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva


The present study investigates associations of inorganic arsenic (iAs) exposure, blood pressure and structural echocardiographic parameters in a cross sectional study of 173 Mexican children residents in an endemic area who presented concentrations of total speciated arsenic (tAs) in urine ranging from 5.7 to 370 ng As/mL. Results show that children in the highest exposure percentile (75th or <678 μg As/L/year) of cumulative As exposure (ΣAsE) were related to increased systolic or diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP), had higher Left Ventricular Mass (LVM) and increased Aortic Root Diameter (ARD) than children in the lowest exposure percentile p25th or <307 μg As/L/year). DBP and LVM were not related to iAs metabolites, but ARD were positively associated with the methyl-As (MAs) level in urine. In conclusion, we observed increased diastolic prehypertension and increased concentric left ventricular hypertrophy prevalence in children exposed to iAs.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaOne Century of the Discovery of Arsenicosis in Latin America (1914-2014)
Subtítulo de la publicación alojadaAs 2014 - Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment
EditorialCRC Press/Balkema
Número de páginas5
ISBN (versión impresa)9781138001411
EstadoPublicada - 2014
Evento5th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment, As 2014 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Duración: 11 may. 201416 may. 2014

Serie de la publicación

NombreOne Century of the Discovery of Arsenicosis in Latin America (1914-2014): As 2014 - Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment


Conferencia5th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment, As 2014
CiudadBuenos Aires


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