Oil crops: Growth, uses, and toxicity

Producción científica: Informe/libroLibrorevisión exhaustiva


The book "Oil Crops: Growth, Uses, and Toxicity" presents to the reader a compendium of advances and trends in the knowledge of edible and non-edible oilseeds. It includes ten chapters by twelve research and academic institutions from four countries: Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, and Turkey. This book encourages the reader to reflect upon the production and uses of different oilseeds and their byproducts, thus highlighting all the competing possibilities between the food and non-food industry.

Idioma originalInglés
EditorialNova Science Publishers, Inc.
Número de páginas284
ISBN (versión digital)9781536197952
ISBN (versión impresa)9781536197082
EstadoPublicada - 27 may. 2021


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