Mexican Bakery Products

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Mexico probably has the highest number of types of bread (around 1600) of any country in the world. The Mexican bread industry can be considered as artisanal because small factories, including those inside supermarkets, produce fresh bread that is consumed immediately. Bread is sold in baskets by men walking the street or on bicycles. Mexican bread can be divided into two main kinds: salty and sweet. Salty bread - named "pan de labranza" with names such as "bolillo", "telera", "birote", "frances", and so on - is the type of bread eaten most. A wide variety of sweet bread is eaten during breakfast and dinner. There are also diverse kinds of bread such as "pan de muerto" and "rosca de reyes" that are prepared for festivals or special occasions. The Mexican bread industry and the types of products it produces embody a creativity that continues from generation to generation.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaBakery Products Science and Technology
Subtítulo de la publicación alojadaSecond Edition
Número de páginas12
ISBN (versión digital)9781118792001
ISBN (versión impresa)9781119967156
EstadoPublicada - 11 ago. 2014


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