Methods of micropatterning and manipulation of cells for biomedical applications

Adrian Martinez-Rivas, Génesis K. González-Quijano, Sergio Proa-Coronado, Childérick Séverac, Etienne Dague

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículo de revisiónrevisión exhaustiva

52 Citas (Scopus)


Micropatterning and manipulation of mammalian and bacterial cells are important in biomedical studies to perform in vitro assays and to evaluate biochemical processes accurately, establishing the basis for implementing biomedical microelectromechanical systems (bioMEMS), point-of-care (POC) devices, or organs-on-chips (OOC), which impact on neurological, oncological, dermatologic, or tissue engineering issues as part of personalizedmedicine. Cell patterning represents a crucial step in fundamental and applied biological studies in vitro, hence today there are a myriad of materials and techniques that allow one to immobilize and manipulate cells, imitating the 3D in vivo milieu. This review focuses on current physical cell patterning, plus chemical and a combination of them both that utilizes different materials and cutting-edge micro-nanofabrication methodologies.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo347
EstadoPublicada - 29 nov. 2017


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