Influence of the indium nominal concentration in the formation of CuInS2 films grown by CBD

F. De Moure-Flores, A. Guillén-Cervantes, E. Campos-González, J. Santoyo-Salazar, J. S. Arias-Cerón, J. Santos-Cruz, S. A. Mayén-Hernández, M. De La L. Olvera, J. G. Mendoza-Álvarez, O. Zelaya-Angel, G. Contreras-Puente

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

7 Citas (Scopus)


Copper indium disulfide (CuInS2) thin films were prepared by chemical bath deposition in an acid medium on glass substrates. CuInS2 films were grown using CuSO4, InCl3 and C2H5NS as copper, indium and sulfur sources, respectively. The CuSO4 and C2H5NS concentrations remained constant, while the InCl3 concentration was varied from 0.002 M to 0.025 M. The structural analysis show that initially the films have a mixture of CuS and CuInS2 phases, when the indium nominal concentration increases the formation of CuInS2 ternary compound was promoted until the final formation of a CuInS2 film. The morphological study shows that the surface of CuInS2 films is constituted by nanotubes. The structural and compositional analysis show that for 0.025 M InCl3 concentration CuInS2 films were obtained.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)755-759
Número de páginas5
PublicaciónMaterials Science in Semiconductor Processing
EstadoPublicada - 10 jul. 2015


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