Path planning by search algorithms in graph-represented workspaces

Ivan Dario Vanegas Perez, Oscar Montiel, Ulises Orozco-Rosas

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Path planning is an essential task in autonomous mobile robotics that demands to navigate following a minimum-cost path, which involves partitioning the landscape in nodes and the use of combinatorial optimization methods to find the optimal sequence of nodes to follow. Traditional algorithms such as the A* and Dijkstra are computationally efficient in landscapes with a reduced number of nodes. Most of the practical applications require to use a significantly large number of nodes up to the point that the problem might be computationally explosive. This work contributes to state-of-the-art with two heuristics for the A* algorithm that allows finding the optimal path in landscapes with a large number of nodes. The heuristics used the Euclidean and Manhattan distance in the estimation function. We present a comparative analysis of our proposal against the Dijkstra’s and A* algorithms. All the experiments were achieved using a simulation-platform specially designed for testing important algorithm features, such as the grid size, benchmark problems, the design of custom-made test sceneries, and others. Relevant results are drawn to continue working in this line.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationStudies in Computational Intelligence
PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Number of pages15
StatePublished - 2021

Publication series

NameStudies in Computational Intelligence
ISSN (Print)1860-949X
ISSN (Electronic)1860-9503


  • Algorithms
  • Graph traversal
  • Knowledge representation
  • Path planning
  • Simulation


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