Chile (Capsicum spp.) as Food-Medicine Continuum in Multiethnic Mexico: Chile (Capsicum spp.) integrando alimento y medicina en México multiétnico

Araceli Aguilar Meléndez, Marco Antonio Vásquez Dávila, Gladys Manzanero-Medina, Esther Katz

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Mexico is the center of origin and diversification of domesticated chile (Capsicum annuum L.). Chile is conceived and employed as both food and medicine in Mexico. In this context, the objective of this paper is to describe and analyze the cultural role of chile as food and as medicine for the body and soul in different cultures of Mexico.
Translated title of the contributionChile (Capsicum spp.) como un continuo en Alimento-Medicina en México multiétnico: Chile (Capsicum spp.) como un continuo en Alimento-Medicina en México multiétnico
Original languageEnglish
Article number10
Pages (from-to)1-15
Number of pages15
JournalMDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Issue number10
StatePublished - 19 Oct 2021

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