Weight loss at first month and development of tolerance as possible predictors of 30 mg phentermine efficacy at 6 months

Héctor Isaac Rocha-González, Lidia Elizabeth De la Cruz-Álvarez, Ashuin Kammar-García, Samuel Canizales-Quinteros, Juan Carlos Huerta-Cruz, Lina Marcela Barranco-Garduño, Juan Gerardo Reyes-García

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

4 Citas (Scopus)


The efficacy of anti-obesity drugs usually does not consider the high degree of interindivid-ual variability in responses to the drug which could affect the decision to withdraw the drug early due to ineffectiveness or to continue therapy according to specific expectations of success. The aim of this study was to analyze body weight loss in kilograms during the first month (1 mo-BWLkg) of treatment with 30 mg phentermine and development of tolerance to phentermine, on its 6-month efficacy. One hundred sixty-six subjects with obesity were individually or jointly analyzed in the study. Subjects with 1 mo-BWLkg of <1 kg, 1–3 kg, 3–5 kg, and ≥5 kg reached 6-month mean percentage body weight reductions (BWR%) of approximately 3%, 5%, 10%, and 15%, respectively. Development of late tolerance (4–6 months) to phentermine had a lower impact than early tolerance (2–3 months). Subjects with 1 mo-BWLkg < 3 kg who developed early tolerance did not achieve rele-vant BWR% (≥5%) at month 6, while the rest of the subgroups achieved increasing and progressive BWR%, according to their 1 mo-BWLkg range and time of onset of tolerance. The 1 mo-BWLkg and development of tolerance to phentermine could be useful to predict the expected 6-month efficacy trends in obese patients treated with 30 mg phentermine.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo1354
PublicaciónJournal of Personalized Medicine
EstadoPublicada - dic. 2021


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