Towntology & hydrontology: Relationship between urban and hydrographic features in the geographic information domain

Luis Manuel Vilches Blázquez, Miguel Ángel Bernabé Poveda, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Antonio F. Rodríguez Pascual

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva

15 Citas (Scopus)


In this paper we describe the relationship between Urban Civil Engineering and other domains, specifically the hydrographic domain. The process of building hydrOntology and the portion of the model relating to urban features are described. This ontology emerges with the intent of settling as a framework in the GI domain, very closely interrelating to Towntology.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaOntologies for Urban Development
EditoresJaqcues Teller, John Lee, Catherine Roussey
Número de páginas12
EstadoPublicada - 2007
Publicado de forma externa

Serie de la publicación

NombreStudies in Computational Intelligence
ISSN (versión impresa)1860-949X


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