Thermoeconomic optimization of an endoreversible chemical engine model

Marco A. Barranco-Jiménez, A. Ocampo-García, F. Angulo-Brown

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaEditorial

1 Cita (Scopus)


In 1995 Alexis De Vos introduced a thermoeconomic analysis of a power plant model working at finite-time. This analysis was based on the optimization of an objective function, this function is called the profit function, which is defined as the quotient of the its power output between the costs function C which takes into account the cost of investment in the power plant construction and the cost of fuel consumption. This thermoeconomic optimization criterion has been applied to various thermal engine models considering different types of performance regimes. In this work we applied the De Vos methodology to an endoreversible chemical engine model, i. e., an engine operating between two reservoirs of constant chemical potential. Our model reproduces the reversible chemical engine in the limit in which the irreversibilities vanish. Furthermore, from the maximization of chemical profit-functions defined in terms of model characteristic functions (power output, efficient power, and ecological function) and the costs related to investment and fuel consumption, we obtain the optimum efficiencies for this model under different operating regimes.


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