Theoretical determination of first adsorbed layer of water in methylcellulose

G. Velazquez, A. Herrera-Gómez, M. O. Martín-Polo

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

6 Citas (Scopus)


Analytical predictions for first adsorption layer of water as a function of relative humidity in hydrophilic materials were developed using multilayer adsorption theories (BET and GAB). These predictions were compared with experimental values of bound water adsorbed by methylcellulose reported in a previous paper. A proper analysis method is proposed that improves the determination of the physical parameters employed by the GAB theory. The applicability of the GAB and BET adsorption models employed in the study of condensable vapors or gas condensation is discussed.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)45-50
Número de páginas6
PublicaciónJournal of Food Engineering
EstadoPublicada - ago. 2003
Publicado de forma externa


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