The use of probiotics in larval whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) production: A marginal analysis of bioeconomic feasibility: A marginal analysis of bioeconomic feasibility

Daniel Peñalosa-Martinell, Marcelo Araneda-Padilla, Silvie Dumas, Sergio Martinez-Díaz, Miguel Vela-Magaña

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

6 Citas (Scopus)


Sustainable production in aquaculture requires integrating new technologies that maximize economic benefits while minimizing environmental impacts. In shrimp production, probiotics improve larval survival and reduce environmental impacts, but their use also increases total production costs. In this study, the economic feasibility of using probiotics in larval whiteleg shrimp production was assessed, as well as the optimal concentration to maximize the economic performance of a laboratory for larval whiteleg shrimp rearing. A bioeconomic model was developed based on the laboratory production data. Then, a marginal approach was applied to identify the optimal economic points. Probiotics led to a significant increase in survival, reducing unit production costs by 44%. However, they were also associated with a 6% increase in total production costs. Thus, profitability also depends on the capability of the laboratory to sustain this type of investment. At a constant price of 2.89 USD, thousand-1 postlarvae-1 2.96 x 1010 colony forming units (CFU) m-3 day-1 of homemade probiotic inoculum optimized the economic performance of the laboratory, increasing net benefits by 26% for each production cycle. A dosage increase of up to 6.8 x 1010 CFU/m3 day-1 increased survival even more, but the economic benefits obtained with the use of probiotics were equal to those obtained without them.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)943-951
Número de páginas9
PublicaciónAquaculture Research
EstadoAceptada/en prensa - 2020


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