The Formation of Human Capital and Its Relationship With the Knowledge Society in Mexico

María Rocío Soto-Flores, Ingrid Y. Zu?iga, Susana A. Rom?n

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoCapítulo


The processes of economic globalization and accelerating technological change have led to changes in economic and social life at a global level. New technologies, such as the TICs, systems of artificial intelligence, scanning, connectivity, nanotechnology, and biotechnology, among others, have transformed the national productive structures and human capital that require technologies disruptive today. In this context, education has become the main element of the knowledge society and training of human capital that demands a knowledge-based economy. The objective of the chapter is to analyze the relationship between human capital formations in the construction of a society of knowledge in Mexico. The structure is organized in three sections: 1) an analysis of the knowledge society, 2) the formation of human capital and the institutions of higher education in the knowledge society, and 3) human capital formation and its relationship in the construction of a society of knowledge in Mexico.
Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
Título de la publicación alojadaThe Formation of Intellectual Capital and Its Ability to Transform Higher Education Institutions and the Knowledge Society
EstadoPublicada - 28 jun. 2019


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