Synthesis of Fréchet-type poly(aryl ether) dendrimers with allyl end groups: Comparative convergent and divergent approaches

Nancy E. Magaña-Vergara, Delia Soto-Castro, Hugo Vazquez-Lima, Rebeca Yépez, Rosa Santillan

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva


The high versatility of allyl groups at the dendrimer periphery makes it important to improve the methodologies to obtain them. Fréchet-type poly(aryl ether) first and second generation dendrimers bearing a conjugated phloroglucinol core with 6 or 12 peripheral allyl groups have been synthesized by convergent and divergent approaches. By the divergent approach the dendrimers were obtained in higher yields and product purification was easier. Steric hindrance proved not to be the key factor in achieving higher yields in the divergent approach; MM and DFT analysis corroborate that electronic effects on the alkoxide play a key role.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)117-128
Número de páginas12
EstadoPublicada - 2017


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