Synthesis and structural refinement and catalytic evaluation of Pd-supported nanoceria catalysts

J. A. Wang, L. F. Chen, A. Montoya de la Fuente, J. M. Domínguez, J. Salmones

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva


Nanoceria used as a catalyst support for the three-way catalytic converter was prepared by applying surfactant-assisted method in base media. The manocrystallite structure of ceria was analyzed by XRD technique and refined by using the Rietveld method. Surface dehydroxylation and thermal stability of the surfactant linked on the structure of ceria were characterized with FTIR-in situ. It was found that cerium defects were created in the crystalline structures that varied with calcination temperature. When CO was used as molecular probe to study surface properties of the 3wt.%Pd/CeO2 catalyst, three modes of CO adsorption bands were observed, which corresponds to a linear, bridged and intermediate CO-Pd bond, respectively. In the case of CO oxidation, the catalyst prepared with surfactant is more active than the precipitated one.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaMechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments
EditoresY. Zhou, Y. Ghu, Z. Li, Y. Zhou, Y. Gu, Z. Li
Número de páginas4
EstadoPublicada - 2003
EventoProceedings of the International Symposium of Young Scholars on Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments - Changsha/Zhangjiajie, China
Duración: 11 ago. 200116 ago. 2001

Serie de la publicación

NombreMechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments


ConferenciaProceedings of the International Symposium of Young Scholars on Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments


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