Synthesis and characterization of glycosides

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51 Citas (Scopus)


This textbook discusses glycosides, which is an important area of sugar chemistry. It describes the general procedures commonly used for preparing a wide range of O-N- and C-glycosides, focusing on the preparation of the main glycosyl donors, and the coupling reaction conditions needed for the glycoside bond formation. Since characterization is also a very important topic to be treated, there is an introductory analysis about NMR spectroscopy, X-Ray diffraction and mass spectra of glycosides. This book contains the best known approaches for preparing the main types of glycosides in a short and comprehensive study. It also includes synthetic pathways of challenging glycosides known as antiviral or antineoplasic drugs, or synthetic substrates used for enzymatic detection including those used as substrates for detection of gene markers in plant biotechnology. Special attention is made on the structural characterization, providing the basic tools for the structural assignment through NMR, X-Ray and mass spectra techniques.

Idioma originalInglés
EditorialSpringer US
Número de páginas351
ISBN (versión impresa)0387262512, 9780387262512
EstadoPublicada - 2007


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