Study of spin-orbit interaction for the Makarov potential

Chang Yuan Chen, Yuan You, Fa Lin Lu, Dong Sheng Sun, Shi Hai Dong

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva


We study the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) for the Makarov potential to correct the nonrelativistic Schrödinger energy levels and discuss the degeneracy of the energy levels. For a certain principal quantum number n, when we do not consider the spin the degeneracy of the energy levels with magnetic quantum number m = 0 is n, while the degeneracy with the magnetic quantum number m ≠ 0 becomes 2(n − |m|). However, when we consider the spin s = 1/2 the degeneracy of the energy levels with magnetic quantum number m = 0 is 2n, while the degeneracy with the magnetic quantum number m ≠ 0 is 4(n − |m|). After taking SOI into account, the degeneracy in this case is still 2n since the energy levels with the magnetic quantum number m = 0 are not split, but the energy levels with the magnetic quantum number m ≠ 0 will be split into 2(n − |m|) energy levels, each of which has the degeneracy 2. The size and sequence of the energy level splitting are relevant for the potential parameters β and γ except for depending on those quantum numbers n, l, and m. We find that the degenerate energy levels are reversed at the critical values by considering the SOI effect.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículoe25774
PublicaciónInternational Journal of Quantum Chemistry
EstadoPublicada - 5 dic. 2018


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