Spray pyrolysis deposition of cadmium-zinc oxide thin films

O. Vigil, L. Vaillant, F. Cruz, G. Santana, A. Morales-Acevedo, G. Contreras-Puente

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94 Citas (Scopus)


Mixed thin film oxides of cadmium and zinc with different compositions were deposited on glass substrates by spray pyrolysis. The effect of the various parameters on the growth and on the film properties is presented. The sample structure was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) having found the presence of a cubic phase resembling that of pure CdO XRD pattern for low Zn concentrations. For x = 0.75 a low crystallinity of the ZnO structure was observed. Optical band-gap was also studied from optical transmittance measurements. As expected, the band-gap values change between those of pure CdO and those of ZnO.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)53-55
Número de páginas3
PublicaciónThin Solid Films
EstadoPublicada - 21 feb. 2000
EventoThe 1999 E-MRS Spring Conference, Symposium O: Chalcogenide Semicondutors for Photovoltaics - Strasbourg, France
Duración: 1 jun. 19994 jun. 1999


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