Seed production and quality of pinus durangensis Mart., from seed areas and a seed stand in Durango, Mexico

Verónica Bustamante-García, José Ángel Prieto-Ruíz, Artemio Carrillo-Parra, Rebeca Álvarez-Zagoya, Humberto González-Rodriguez, José Javier Corral-Rivas

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

4 Citas (Scopus)


Seed productive potential, production efficiency and seed quality of seed areas of P. durangensis Mart. from La Florida and La Campana, and from a Pericos seed stand, located in Durango state, Mexico were investigated. The productive potential, developed seeds, upper and lower infertile ovules, and aborted ovules during the first and second year of seed formation were determined. X-ray scanning was used to determine the percentage of seeds that were filled, emptied, malformed, or damaged by insects. Seed production efficiency was also determined. Speed, value and percentage of germination were determined under laboratory conditions. The Pericos seed stand had the greatest seed productive potential, in terms of number of developed seeds per cone (100.3) and filled seeds (79.7), and in the percentage of filled seeds (73.4%) and seed germination (53.8%). The Pericos seed stand had the highest seed production efficiency (57.6%); this low efficiency reflects problems of damage caused by insects and deficient management. The highest ovule abortion during the first year was observed at La Campana seed area, due to self-pollination or damage by the seedbug Leptoglossus occidentalis in the early stages of seed development.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)1197-1202
Número de páginas6
PublicaciónPakistan Journal of Botany
EstadoPublicada - 2014


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