Scratch resistance of cobalt boride layer subjected to a diffusion annealing process

R. C. Morón, A. M. Delgado-Brito, I. Campos-Silva

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

5 Citas (Scopus)


This work studies the effect of a diffusion annealing process in cobalt boride layers by progressive load scratch (PLST) and multipass scratch (MPST) tests. First, a double-phase CoB/Co2B layer was formed on CoCrMo alloy at 1000 °C for 6 h. Next, a single-phase Co2B layer was obtained through a diffusion annealing process. The scratch tests were conducted with a progressive load from 5 to 150 N in PLST, whereas in MPST, up to 400 passes were applied with a subcritical load of 38 N. Conducting the diffusion annealing process significantly improved the scratch resistance; in PLST, the achieved layer avoided severe failure mechanisms and decreased residual depth by 60%. In MPST, friction was reduced and the volume loss decreased around 50%.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo131352
PublicaciónMaterials Letters
EstadoPublicada - 15 feb. 2022


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