Protein adsorption on stainless steel in aqueous solution: An EIS, XPS, and IRRAS study

I. Frateur, L. Lartundo-Rojas, C. Méthivier, A. Galtayries, P. Marcus

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaArtículorevisión exhaustiva


The adsorption of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), and its influence on the electrochemical behaviour in deaerated 0.05M H 2SO 4 solution of a ferritic stainless steel, Fe-17Cr, was studied by electrochemical methods (time dependence of the corrosion potential E cor, polarization curves, EIS) and surface analysis techniques (PM-IRRAS, XPS). The electrochemical measurements show a corrosion inhibition by the BSA at E cor. The charge transfer resistance decreases and hence the corrosion current of the alloy increases with immersion time at E cor, but this phenomenon is much less marked in the presence of BSA. The LF response of the impedance diagrams plotted at E cor and its evolution with immersion time is modified by the presence of the BSA, which suggests that the protein is directly or indirectly involved in the electrochemical processes at E cor. Impedance measurements performed after passivation of the alloy at 0 V vs. SSE show that the presence of protein has no effect on the electrochemical behaviour of the passivated alloy surface. Surface analysis of the stainless steel samples by PM-IRRAS and XPS shows that the BSA is present on the surface at both E cor and 0 V. From the detailed analysis of the C 1s XPS region, it can be concluded that the BSA molecules adsorbed on the surface at both potentials are chemically intact. The amount of adsorbed BSA is quite similar at E cor and 0 V. All these results demonstrate that the adsorption of BSA takes place on the Fe-17Cr surface both at the corrosion potential and in the passive region, and the BSA has a corrosion inhibition effect when the surface is not fully passivated.

Idioma originalInglés
EstadoPublicada - 2004
Publicado de forma externa
EventoEuropean Corrosion Conference: Long Term Prediction and Modelling of Corrosion, EUROCORR 2004 - Nice, Francia
Duración: 12 sep. 200416 sep. 2004


ConferenciaEuropean Corrosion Conference: Long Term Prediction and Modelling of Corrosion, EUROCORR 2004


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