Producing synthetic crude oil from heavy oils: Process heat integration

Jorge Ancheyta, Jose A.D. Munoz, Ignacio Elizalde

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaArtículo


The development of process heat integration in a heavy crude oil hydrotreating plant is presented. To choose the best case from an energetic point of view, experimental data obtained from pilot plant studies, simulations with commercial software, and Pinch analysis are used. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the AIChE Spring National Meeting (Orlando, FL 4/24-26/2006).
Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
EstadoPublicada - 1 ene. 2006
Publicado de forma externa
Evento2006 AIChE Spring Annual Meeting -
Duración: 1 dic. 2006 → …


Conferencia2006 AIChE Spring Annual Meeting
Período1/12/06 → …


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