Prediction of flexion and extension movements of 4 fingers of the hand using a new labeled method

J. A.García Torres, A. Ibarra Fuentes, E. Morales Sánchez, A. Hernández Zavala

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículo de la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva


This work presents a neural network classifier for identifying the flexion and extension m ovements for four fingers from the hand, out of the surface electromyography signals in the forea rm muscles. A new la beled data m ethod was proposed based on time segmentation to relate the sEMG signa l with the corresponding finger m ovement. This is a different wa y of la beling the da ta for training the neural network, a llowing to reduce the amount of training gesture hand. The experim ent consists of 10 sessions in which the fingers a re flexed ra ndomly, one a t a time for 2 m inutes with a 16ms sample time. The a bsolute m ean value (MAV) is used a s a feature extra ctor in the tim e domain to a verage 5 samples a nd the normalized data is used for the neural network. Results show that this system with the la beled da ta m ethod, provides a 98.83% precision value for the index finger, 93.46% for the ring finger, 80.34% for the m iddle finger, a nd 68.46% for the little finger. The results are simila r to those found in the literature where they cla ssify different gestures using the conventional la beling m ethod.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo012015
PublicaciónJournal of Physics: Conference Series
EstadoPublicada - 15 nov. 2021
Publicado de forma externa
Evento4th Latin American Conference on Bioimpedance 2021, CLABIO 2021 - San Luis Potosi, México
Duración: 10 nov. 202113 nov. 2021


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