Potential yield of a rock shrimp stock, Sicyonia penicillata in the northern Gulf of California

Juana López-Martínez, Ernesto A. Chávez, Sergio Hernández-Vázquez, Edgar Alcántara-Razo

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

5 Citas (Scopus)


A stock of rock shrimp Sicyonia penicillata was assessed in a fishery recently opened at Bahia Kino, Sonora, Mexico. An age-structured model with stochastic recruitment was developed, which considers growth rate, natural mortality, and fishing mortality by age. Age groups were followed year by year with a stock-recruitment Ricker function where the seasonal recruitment pattern was defined as well. Simulations might be interpreted as showing a stable population with four-year cycles, reflecting a density-dependent process. In 1996, fishing intensity had an apparent compensatory effect on the stock, decreasing the amplitude of natural oscillations and maintaining the stock at a biomass level similar to the size observed in a condition of no exploitation. The stock was found currently underexploited. As a result of the seasonal accessibility and the age of first-catch fishing (adult shrimp), the stock might be capable to withstand high fishing pressure without being overexploited.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)581-590
Número de páginas10
EstadoPublicada - 1999
Publicado de forma externa


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