Physical and mathematical models of gas-liquid fluid dynamics in LD converters

Octavio Olivares, Adolfo Elias, Rocio Sánchez, Manuela Díaz-Cruz, Rodolfo D. Morales

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

49 Citas (Scopus)


Fluid dynamics of gas-liquid interactions in a LD converter to refine steel was physically and mathematically simulated. Using a water model three cases of gas supply were considered, top blowing, bottom injection and combined process top blowing-bottom injection. Mixing time in top blowing increases with bath height and the distance between the lance of the gaseous jet and the bath surface. The jet penetration was found to be dependent on the modified Froude number. The unstable and unsteady behaviour of the bath topography, as affected by the gaseous jet, was well simulated through a multiphase momentum transfer model. In top blowing, three zones of liquid splashing were found, penetration with low splash, heavy splash and dimpling with low splash intensity. These zones depend on the gas flow rate and the distance from the lance to the bath surface. During bottom injection mixing times decrease with the number of tuyères, increases of bath height and gas flow rate. In a combined process mixing time decreases considerably due to the recirculating flow formed by the action of the top jet and the submerged jets. When a submerged jet is located just below the top jet the mixing time does not decrease as compared with the separated processes either top blowing or bottom stirring.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)44-51
Número de páginas8
PublicaciónSteel Research
EstadoPublicada - feb. 2002


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