Photoacoustic determination of iron in corn meal

O. Delgado-Vasallo, J. L. Peña, E. San Martín Martínez, A. Calderón, G. Peña Rodríguez, M. R.Jaime Fonseca, E. Marín

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

4 Citas (Scopus)


We report here on the use of the photoacoustic technique for the determination of low concentrations of total iron in corn meal samples. The determination of this element in food is of considerable interest because several foods are currently enriched with it at proper levels in order to increase the resistance of people, after consumation, to several diseases, such as anemia. The proposed technique is based on an open photoacoustic cell configuration in conjunction with a suitable colorimetric method. We applied it to a measurement of the total iron concentration in corn meal samples. The results agree very well with those obtained using a conventional spectrophotometric method, showing the possibilities of new experimental methodologies based on photothermal methods to perform this kind of study, with the advantage of a higher sensitivity and increment of the range of appreciable absorbance.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)599-602
Número de páginas4
PublicaciónAnalytical Sciences
EstadoPublicada - 1 abr. 2003
Publicado de forma externa


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