Participation of ESCOM's Data Science Group at Rest-Mex 2022: Sentiment Analysis Task

Julian Alcibar-Zubillaga, Yanina De-Luna Ocampo, Isaias Pacheco-Castillo, Kevin Ramirez-Mendez, Juan Pablo Minoru Sainz-Takata, Omar Juárez Gambino

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículo de la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva

1 Cita (Scopus)


In this paper we describe the participation of the ESCOM Data Science group in Rest-Mex 2022 for the Sentiment Analysis task. For this task, 5 levels of polarity (1-5) as well as the type of attraction (restaurant, hotel and attraction) on which the opinion is given must be predicted. We followed a supervised approach using machine learning methods to train a model and then use it to make predictions. The model was tuned and tested with different text representations and obtained a combined score from both tasks of 0.84, which is only 0.5 points away from the best result.

Idioma originalInglés
PublicaciónCEUR Workshop Proceedings
EstadoPublicada - 2022
Evento2022 Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum, IberLEF 2022 - A Coruna, Espana
Duración: 20 sep. 2022 → …


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