Parametrización de una prótesis tumoral de húmero y el desarrollo de un set

Benjamín Araujo-Monsalvo, Janeth Gómez-Procopio, Víctor M. Araujo-Monsalvo, Luis M. Hernández-Simón, Víctor M. Domínguez-Hernández, Genaro Rico-Martínez, Luis M. Linares-González, Elisa Martínez-Coria, José L. Nava-Sánchez

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva


Background: The reconstruction of the proximal humerus is possible from the resection of the tumor and the placement of a prosthesis. In some cases, they do not meet the anthropometric aspects of the patients. Objective: To determine the parameters to size the components of a humeral prosthesis and the development of a set, using design software. Method: Forty patients were selected for prostheses, radiographs and CT scans were analyzed and statistical tests were applied to the measurements. Results: The length of the tumors was 8-20 cm. The minimum length of the humerus was 28 cm and 33 cm the maximum. Correlation was observed between the humerus and the tumor and the height of the patient with p = 0.93088 and p = 0.904564, respectively; humerus diameter, p = 0.2345. The set will include three components, diameter 6-10 mm, and length of 24, 26 and 28 cm. Three modular spacers with lengths of 6, 8.5 and 13 cm. Crowns 6.5 and 8.5 cm long, 1.3 cm in diameter and 5 mm nut. Conclusion: With the development of the set, poorly calculated resections and adaptation to any humerus size can be resolved.

Título traducido de la contribuciónParameterizing a tumor humeral prosthesis and development of a set
Idioma originalEspañol
Páginas (desde-hasta)33-38
Número de páginas6
PublicaciónCirugia y Cirujanos (English Edition)
EstadoPublicada - feb. 2021

Palabras clave

  • Humerus
  • Parameters
  • Set
  • Sizing
  • Tumor prosthesis
  • Tumor resection


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