Optimization of BWR control rod patterns uusing a tabu search technique

Alejandro Castillo, Luis B. Morales, Juan J. Ortiz, Gustavo Alonso, Edmundo Del Valle

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaArtículorevisión exhaustiva


We have developed a system to optimize BWR control rod patterns using the 3D neutron core simulator CM-PRESTO code; in this system the tabu search technique has been incorporated. In a previous work BWR optimized fuel reloads were obtained using the same technique. The objective of this work is to generate the BWR control rod patterns that satisfy the critical condition and the operational thermal limits constrains for the optimized fuel reloads. In our tabu search the corresponding loading pattern for the initial solution was generated using the previous work. The optimization system has been implemented using FORTRAN-77 in a Alpha Workstation on UNIX system. Detailed description regarding the system will be given and results for this analysis will be shown.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de páginas1
EstadoPublicada - 2004
EventoAbstracts of the 14th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference - Honolulu, HI, Estados Unidos
Duración: 21 mar. 200425 mar. 2004


ConferenciaAbstracts of the 14th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference
País/TerritorioEstados Unidos
CiudadHonolulu, HI


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