One-parameter potential from Darboux theorem

J. García-Ravelo, J. J. Peña, J. Morales, Shi Hai Dong

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva


We consider the stationary one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with potential u(x; i) = ∑j=-2 2 fj(i)xj, where the coefficients fj(i) are functions of a discrete parameter i. We establish the most general form of the coefficients fj(i) and obtain the ladder operators for the solution of Schrödinger equation by a Darboux transform. Generally speaking, the Darboux transform is obtained through a so-called superpotential W(x), which is derived from a Riccati equation. We first propose a convenient ansatz for the function W(x) and then yield a set of nine difference equations for the coefficients fj(i). This set of difference equations establishes the explicit form of the coefficients fj(i), in the potential u(x; i). Our results are consistent with some well-known quantum potentials in special cases.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)39-50
Número de páginas12
PublicaciónElectronic Journal of Theoretical Physics
EstadoPublicada - 30 jun. 2008


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