Non-classical diffusion boxes using the golden binary self-similar sequence

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In this paper the realization of a diffusion box (D-box) is shown using the self-similar sequences, which are built through silver numbers and Steinhardt method. In particular, this realization is based in the Golden Binary Self-Similar Sequence (GB-Sequence). The diffusion using this technique is also compared against those using the DES (Data Encryption Standard) expansion permutation (EP-DES) box and against ideal diffusion. In this comparation the autocorrelation and error function are calculated. Also the probability function to self-similar sequences is compared with those to equiprobable sequences. In this way, we want to show that the dispersion boxes using autosimilar sequences can be used in complicated encryption algorithms. © 2001 Begell House, Inc.
Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
Páginas (desde-hasta)18-36
Número de páginas19
PublicaciónTelecommunications and Radio Engineering (English translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika)
EstadoPublicada - 1 dic. 2001


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