New findings for two new type sine hyperbolic potentials

Qian Dong, Guo Hua Sun, Jian Jing, Shi Hai Dong

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

31 Citas (Scopus)


We propose two new type sine hyperbolic potentials V(x)=a2sinh2⁡(x)−ktanh2⁡(x) and V(x)=c2sinh4⁡(x)−ktanh2⁡(x). They may become single- or double-well potentials depending on the potential parameters a,c and k. We find that its exact solutions can be written as the confluent Heun functions Hc(α,β,γ,δ,η;z), in which the energy level E is involved inside the parameter η. The properties of the wave functions, which is strongly relevant for the potential parameters a,c and k, are illustrated.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)270-275
Número de páginas6
PublicaciónPhysics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
EstadoPublicada - 12 ene. 2019


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