Myopia in schoolchildren in a rural community in the State of Mexico, Mexico

Omar Garcia-Lievanos, Leticia Sanchez-Gonzalez, Nadia Espinosa-Cruz, Luis A. Hernandez-Flores, Leonel Salmeron-Leal, Hector D. Torres-Rodriguez

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

12 Citas (Scopus)


Purpose: This study sought to determine the prevalence of myopia in schoolchildren of a rural population in Mexico. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 317 children between 6 and 12 years old. A complete refractive examination was performed, including static retinoscopy without cycloplegic agents. All procedures were conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki. Results: In total, 9.7% (95% CI: 13.07-6.52) of the examined children were myopic (spherical equivalent ≤ -0.50 D), 4.4% (95% CI: 6.66-2.14) presented astigmatism (cylinder ≤ -1.50 D), and 5.4% (95% CI: 7.89-2.91) presented hyperopia (spherical equivalent ≥ +0.50 D). Conclusion: Additional research is required to assess the prevalence of refractive errors in rural areas in Mexico, to analyze the associated risk factors, and to implement appropriate eye care plans for this population.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)53-56
Número de páginas4
PublicaciónClinical Optometry
EstadoPublicada - 8 jun. 2016


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