Mechanical finger based on three coupled Four-bar mechanism

Alejandro Prudencio Razo, Eduardo Morales Sanchez

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

2 Citas (Scopus)


This work presents the dimensional synthesis for a mechanical finger, based in four bar mechanisms, where the anthropometric, and kinematic constrictions of the human finger are satisfied; the basic criteria used for the dimensional synthesis is the maximum rotation angle for each phalanx, so a human like motion may be achieved. The syntheses of each finger is obtained via Freudenstein's methodology, assuming that the links lengths are constant, an fixed to a main link, and the pivot of the system is the knuckle. The only variable which may modify the displacement behavior of the system is the coupler, for each four-bar mechanism, therefore its length is directly related to the position of the finger.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de páginas5
EstadoPublicada - 2013
Publicado de forma externa
Evento2013 10th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control, CCE 2013 - Mexico City, México
Duración: 30 sep. 20134 oct. 2013


Conferencia2013 10th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control, CCE 2013
CiudadMexico City


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