Mathematical model for describing corn grain dehydration kinetics after a nixtamalization process

Miguel Ángel Gruintal-Santos, María Teresa Zagaceta-álvarez, Karen Alicia Aguilar Cruz, Juan Reséndiz-Muñoz, Héctor Eduardo Martinez-Flores, Jose Luis Fernández-Muñoz

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

1 Cita (Scopus)


In this research, the mathematical model associated with the hydrothermal dehydration process of Nixtamalized Corn Grains (NCG) with different Steeping Time (ST) values, allows the fitting of experimental data with initial moisture M0 and the equilibrium moisture ME as a function of Isothermal Dehydration Time (IDT). The moisture percentage for any time t and dehydration rate (isolines M(t) and isolines vI respectively) of the NCG is shown by means of matrix graphics as a simultaneous function of IDT and ST. The relationship between initial dehydration rate v0 and initial moisture M0 establishes as a function of ST. Also, the mathematical model associated with the solution of the second Fick’s law allows calculating the diffusivity rate vk (H2O molecules out of NCG) and verify that the rate of change in moisture and the dynamical proportionality constant k has a non-linear dependence on the IDT and that k is directly proportional to De f f . The k values strongly relate to ST and the calcium ions percentage into NCG according to solubility lime values into cooking water (or nejayote) as a function of decreasing temperature when ST increases.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo1771
EstadoPublicada - ago. 2021


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