Método para medir densidad ósea a partir de conductividad eléctrica calculada por Tomografía de Impedancia Eléctrica

M. A. San-Pablo-Juárez, E. Morales-Sánchez, F. Ireta-Moreno, R. Ávalos-Zúñiga, J. J. González-Barbosa

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

4 Citas (Scopus)


In this paper a method to measure bone density was developed. The method consists in the measurement of electrical conductivity of bone by Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). A phantom with simulated data of bone is used, applying currents and recording voltages; then a backprojection reconstruction is used to generate maps with graphic conductivity values. The data obtained were analyzed and was obtained a distribution of electrical conductivity of bone, wich varies according to the bone porosity level in each region. A significant advantage of using this method is that is possible to measure electrical conductivity in several directions of the bone, obtaining an effective conductivity. Therefore it is possible to determine the porosity in the bone with measurements of electrical conductivity using the proposed EIT method, this allows to calculate a numerical value for bone density.

Título traducido de la contribuciónMethod for measuring bone density through the electrical conductivity calculated by Electrical Impedance Tomography
Idioma originalEspañol
Páginas (desde-hasta)492-506
Número de páginas15
PublicaciónRevista Mexicana de Ingenieria Biomedica
EstadoPublicada - 1 may. 2017
Publicado de forma externa

Palabras clave

  • Bone density
  • Electrical conductivity
  • Electrical impedance tomography
  • Sheffield backprojection


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