Lung nodule classification based on deep learning networks and handcraft segmentation

Luis G. Salvador-Torres, Jose A. Almaraz-Damian, Volodymyr I. Ponomaryov, Rogelio Reyes-Reyes, Clara Cruz-Ramos

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva


This study proposes a hybrid CAD system, where the first stage consists of the handcraft segmentation, following a CNN based on the ResNet-34 architecture. In the segmentation stage, the rib cage (thorax region) is extracted using the K-means algorithm. The extraction of the nodules is performed in two steps, those attached to the pleura are found via a K-means clustering on the rib cage, and the circumscribed and vascular nodules are extracted using morphological operations. The resulting segmentation masks are applied to the test images, decreasing the number of false positives. Finally, the resulting image is splitted of the patches to be classified by the ResNet-34 trained from scratch. Designed CAD system has been implemented on Google Colab platform and a standalone computer with Nvidia®RTX 3090. The experiments with different CAD systems were performed on SPIE and LIDC-IDRI datasets demonstrating better performance of designed technique with reduction of false-positive objects.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaReal-Time Image Processing and Deep Learning 2022
EditoresNasser Kehtarnavaz, Matthias F. Carlsohn
ISBN (versión digital)9781510650800
EstadoPublicada - 2022
EventoReal-Time Image Processing and Deep Learning 2022 - Virtual, Online
Duración: 6 jun. 202212 jun. 2022

Serie de la publicación

NombreProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
ISSN (versión impresa)0277-786X
ISSN (versión digital)1996-756X


ConferenciaReal-Time Image Processing and Deep Learning 2022
CiudadVirtual, Online


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