Los funcionamientos y formas de las gráficas en los libros de texto: Una práctica institucional en el bachillerato

Francisco Cordero Osorio, Claudia Cen Che, Liliana Suárez Téllez

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

18 Citas (Scopus)


This article will provide a reference framework based on socio-epistemological theory in relation to the uses of graphs that generate institutional practices in high school. We will demonstrate that the functionings and forms of graphs maintain a dialectical relationship, even in textbooks, and that they redefine themselves in order to make way for other functionings and graphic forms, which expresses the development of the use of the graph in three aspects: the methods for the use of graphic representation, the understandings of graphs and their functionality.

Título traducido de la contribuciónThe functionings and forms of graphs in textbooks: An institutional practice in high school
Idioma originalEspañol
Páginas (desde-hasta)187-214
Número de páginas28
PublicaciónRevista Latinoamericana de Investigacion en Matematica Educativa
EstadoPublicada - jul. 2010

Palabras clave

  • Form
  • Functioning
  • Institutional practice
  • Redefining


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