Length-weight relationships of five Elasmobranch species from the Pacific Coast of Mexico

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5 Citas (Scopus)


Length-weight relationships (LWR) were estimated for five elasmobranch species found in the Eastern Pacific: Heterodontus francisci (Girard, 1855), Urobatis halleri (Copper, 1863), Urobatis maculatus (Garman, 1913), Diplobatis ommata (Jordan and Gilbert, 1890), and Rhinobatos productus (Ayres, 1854). Species were selected because none had previously published data on LWR. The specimens were sampled along the Pacific west coast of Mexico, including the Gulf of California, between June 2009 and May 2013, using different fishing gear. The values of the exponent “b” of the LWR ranged from 2.52 to 3.06. This study provides the first reference on the LWR for these elasmobranch species.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)1005-1007
Número de páginas3
PublicaciónTurkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
EstadoPublicada - 2018
Publicado de forma externa


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