La percepción de las mujeres hacia las acciones de prevención, denuncia y erradicación del hostigamiento sexual en una escuela del Instituto Politécnico Nacional en México

Claudia A. Hernández, Martha Jiménez, Silvia Galicia

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva


The objective of this work is to analyze the perception that women students of a school of the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico, of the actions implemented to prevent, punish and eradicate sexual harassment, to diagnose the proper or null presence and effectiveness of those actions in the academic unit. The methodology that was used is based on a case study of descriptive and transversal type. Data collection was gathered by means of a questionnaire that was applied to a sample of 901 women students of a school of the National Polytechnic Institute. The results show that ignorance of the procedures for reporting harassment, the lack of intervention protocols and the lack of training of the governing bodies, generate situations that violate student's life and rights.

Título traducido de la contribuciónPerception of women toward the actions of prevention, report and eradication of sexual harassment in a school of the National Polytechnic Institute in México
Idioma originalEspañol
Páginas (desde-hasta)65-74
Número de páginas10
PublicaciónFormacion Universitaria
EstadoPublicada - 2015

Palabras clave

  • Crime reporting
  • Female students
  • Gender-based violence
  • Sexual harassment


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