J=3/2 charmed hypertriton

H. Garcilazo, A. Valcarce, T. F. Caramés

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

19 Citas (Scopus)


By solving exact three-body equations, we study the three-baryon system with charm +1. We look for possible bound states using baryon-baryon interactions obtained from a chiral constituent quark model. The smaller effect of the Λc虠Σc conversion reverses the order of the (I,J)=(0,1/2) and (I,J)=(0,3/2) states, rather close on the strange sector. The diminishing of the kinetic energy due to the large reduced mass gives rise to a bound state in the (I,J)=(0,3/2) channel. After correcting for Coulomb effects, the binding energy would be between 140 and 715 keV.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo024006
PublicaciónPhysical Review C
EstadoPublicada - 24 ago. 2015


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