Instrumental requirements for the detection of electron beam-induced object excitations at the single atom level in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy

C. Kisielowski, P. Specht, S. M. Gygax, B. Barton, H. A. Calderon, J. H. Kang, R. Cieslinski

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

22 Citas (Scopus)


This contribution touches on essential requirements for instrument stability and resolution that allows operating advanced electron microscopes at the edge to technological capabilities. They enable the detection of single atoms and their dynamic behavior on a length scale of picometers in real time. It is understood that the observed atom dynamic is intimately linked to the relaxation and thermalization of electron beam-induced sample excitation. Resulting contrast fluctuations are beam current dependent and largely contribute to a contrast mismatch between experiments and theory if not considered. If explored, they open the possibility to study functional behavior of nanocrystals and single molecules at the atomic level in real time.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)186-193
Número de páginas8
EstadoPublicada - 1 ene. 2015


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