Hybrid LQ-optimization using dynamic programming

V. Azhmyakov, R. Galvan-Guerra, M. Egerstedt

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva

38 Citas (Scopus)


In this paper we study the linear quadratic optimal control problem for linear hybrid systems in which transitions between different discrete locations occur autonomously when the continuous state intersects given switching surfaces. In particular, we make an explicit connection between the newly developed, Pontryagin-type Hybrid Maximum Principle and the Bellman Dynamic Programming approach. As a consequence, we extend the classic Riccati-formalism, derive the associated Riccati-type equations, and prove the discontinuity of the full "hybrid" Riccati matrix. Finally, we discuss some computational aspects of the obtained theoretical results and propose a numerical algorithm in the framework of an optimal feedback control law.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojada2009 American Control Conference, ACC 2009
Número de páginas7
EstadoPublicada - 2009
Publicado de forma externa
Evento2009 American Control Conference, ACC 2009 - St. Louis, MO, Estados Unidos
Duración: 10 jun. 200912 jun. 2009

Serie de la publicación

NombreProceedings of the American Control Conference
ISSN (versión impresa)0743-1619


Conferencia2009 American Control Conference, ACC 2009
País/TerritorioEstados Unidos
CiudadSt. Louis, MO


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