Heat shock protein 70 down-regulates the production of toll-like receptor-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines by a heat shock factor-1/ constitutive heat shock element-binding factor-dependent mechanism

Eduardo Ferat-Osorio, Aldair Sánchez-Anaya, Mireille Gutiérrez-Mendoza, Ilka Boscó-Gárate, Isabel Wong-Baeza, Rodolfo Pastelin-Palacios, Gustavo Pedraza-Alva, Laura C. Bonifaz, Pedro Cortés-Reynosa, Eduardo Pérez-Salazar, Lourdes Arriaga-Pizano, Constantino López-Macías, Yvonne Rosenstein, Armando Isibasi

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65 Citas (Scopus)


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