El empleo informal juvenil en México. Un análisis de panel de datos, 2005-2019.

David Robles Ortiz, Horacio Sanchez Barcenas , Daniela Melissa Vargas Urista

Producción científica: Contribución a una publicación especializadaArtículo


In Mexico informality reaches 60 per cent of the employment generated in the country, where young people are affected by this phenomenon; about 30 per cent of this population is informal. This research identifies the effect of the most common causes that explain informality in the decision of young people (15 to 29 years) to choose an informal job. A panel data model with fixed effects is used with data from 2005 to 2019 from the National Employment and Employment Survey (ENOE) to know if the effect of these variables is similar over the years and in different groups of young people. The results show a six-to-one probability of obtaining informal employment upon graduation from university, and high educational levels do not guarantee formal employment among the young population.
Título traducido de la contribuciónInformal youth employment in Mexico. A data panel analysis, 2005-2019
Idioma originalEspañol
Número de páginas17
Publicación especializadaAnálisis Económico
EstadoPublicada - 2 may. 2022


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