Effects of Germination and Popping on the Anti-Nutritional Compounds and the Digestibility of Amaranthus hypochondriacus Seeds

Carmen Valadez-Vega, Olivia Lugo-Magaña, Claudia Figueroa-Hernández, Mirandeli Bautista, Gabriel Betanzos-Cabrera, Aurea Bernardino-Nicanor, Rosa María González-Amaro, Rodrigo Alonso-Villegas, José A. Morales-González, Leopoldo González-Cruz

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

5 Citas (Scopus)


Amaranth seeds, although a valuable food in Mexico, contain anti-nutritional compounds that can affect food quality. As a part of this work, the proximate composition, fatty acid profile, protein digestibility, and the effect of germination and popping of Amaranthus hypochondriacus seeds was analyzed with the aim of eliminating anti-nutritional compounds. Untreated seeds comprised of 11.35–18.8% protein and 0.27–13.39% lipids, including omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acid. The main minerals detected were Ca+2, K+1, and Mg+2. Nevertheless in vitro studies indicate that germination significantly improved digestibility, whereby treatments aimed at reducing anti-nutritional compounds decreased lectin concentration, while significantly increasing tannins and completely eliminating trypsins and saponins.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo2075
EstadoPublicada - jul. 2022


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