Effect of Nutrient Availability on Root System Development

Alfredo Cruz-Ramírez, Carlos Calderón-Vázquez, Luis Herrera-Estrella

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoCapítulorevisión exhaustiva

7 Citas (Scopus)


Modern-day plant root systems have been modeled from distinct ancestors and by different evolutionary pathways influenced by environmental cues, leading to varied root system architectures. Availability of mineral nutrients has played a major role in evolution and development of the diverse root system architectures. In this chapter, we review the importance of the study of mineral nutrition on root development and describe the physiological, morphological and molecular responses of plant roots to diverse nutrient deficiencies and how the different hormone signaling pathways participate in these responses.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaRoot Development
Número de páginas37
ISBN (versión digital)9781444310023
ISBN (versión impresa)9781405161503
EstadoPublicada - 7 oct. 2009
Publicado de forma externa


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