Different linearizing techniques to improve electromagnetic compatibility in SiGe LNA

J. A. Tirado-Mendez, H. Jardon-Aguilar, F. Iturbide-Sanchez

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva


In this work three different structures are proposed to improve the linearity of SiGe amplifiers. The first structure, AFCE has the possibility of obtaining high linearity and wide bandwidth with low-level noise figure, without degrading the power gain. The second configuration called CERCC in a very high linearization is obtained but in a narrower band than the Active feedback configuration. The third structure is an alternative of the previous, but using only one resonant circuit in the collector and an inductor in the emitter.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaIEEE 6th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electromagnetic Ecology, 2005, Proceedings
EditorialIEEE Computer Society
Número de páginas4
ISBN (versión impresa)0780393740, 9780780393745
EstadoPublicada - 2005
Publicado de forma externa
EventoIEEE 6th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electromagnetic Ecology, 2005 - St. Petersburg, Federación de Rusia
Duración: 21 jun. 200524 jun. 2005

Serie de la publicación

NombreIEEE 6th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electromagnetic Ecology, 2005, Proceedings


ConferenciaIEEE 6th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electromagnetic Ecology, 2005
País/TerritorioFederación de Rusia
CiudadSt. Petersburg


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